Hello, I’m Jason Stephen Ali, the Social Media Marketing Director of Voiplid Network. And I’ve got with me. Joseph Smith as before , not exceedingly believable but it’s still genuine, for Voiplid Network as well. And today, we will be talking about SIP Trunking, what is SIP Trunking, what are the benefits of SIP Trunking. That’s a very good thing to bring up because a lot of parties use the term SIP and it’s a very broadly squandered term and it does mean different things depending on the conversation you’re at. That’s right. For the purposes of our conversation today, I guess it’s more SIP Trunking , not SIP Integration viewing telephones to phone systems in that stuff. So are you able briefly interpret what couple of advantages are as opposed to the of analog rows?
Five seconds. Yeahy, yeah. I represent SIP Trunks for small and medium sized companies, providing numerous advantages. A, reduced costs: you’ve got things like in terms of adding services that can now be done frequently within 24 to 48 hours. Right. So if you had four pipelines yesterday and, all of a sudden, your business thunders and changes, well we can add SIP Trunks reasonably simply. Right. By really turning on additional directs for you. If you’ve got the backend infrastructure with all your SIP licensing, that’s the only interesting thing “you’re going to” do is add SIP licensing forit and you’re good to go whereas before, we’d have to order the line. That order would take five, ten business days for it to be installed. And then you have to call your technician to come out and position up into your phone system.That’s right.
So there is a big time advantage to SIP Trunking and cost because those analogue threads, you’ll have install costs with them and associated costs along with the technician planned and everything else. So SIP Trunks are definitely a losimpler on n that side and a lot more cost effective. What about PRIs? Yeah. Actually, one of my is I did forget a couple of advantages which do roll into the PRI aspect of things as well with regards to SIP Trunking especially for small businesses. Rigth. Which are, with traditional phone lines, commonly, you’ve got four ways, you’ve got a main number that’s displayed when you call out. You can make and receive those for scolds. Well with SIP Trunking, the other advantages are, for a small business, they are able to imitative wield, act as if they were like a larger company. That’s right. I been in a position to have DIDs which can’t time on analog wrinkles. And those DIDs are direct inward dial numbers so you’d have your main number itemize and then I can have my own personal phone number that somebody would call and it would reverberate directly to my phone. That’s right. So if you’ve got 20 beings and you had only eight telephones before, you can now provide them with the IDs eventually constructing it seem asif you are a larger company because in the past, it’s only been the larger companies that have had the ability to do that because they were installing PRIs which is our next conversation’s going to be about. That’s right.
Well from PRI to SIP Trunk, mostly, certain advantages are cost, once again, and al so ease of implementation and capacity because on a PRI, mostly, you can have 23 simultaneous phone calls while when we’re purvey SIP Trunks work, if you’re at the level of the PRI, we would install what’s called a Data T-1. That’s right.For the connectivity, case to connect the SIP Trunks into your phone system and that Data T-1 allows us the ability to settled 39 simultaneously calls on that Data T-1 as opposed to the 23 that you have with PRI. Right. So right there, that gives you a big advantage because most societies when they were at 23 positions, let’s say they’re stretching and they had to add 4 or 10 added strands, they either add analog ones in conjunction with the PRIs or they will install a partial PRI or have to install full PRI for those additional 10 boundaries. Got you! Cost-wise, that just goes through the roof. That’s right. Whereas for us, we have those 23 channels but we can also add the additional up to 39 for your services. Awesome! Cost advantages are tremendous and you don’thave to wait the large-hearted ton leg to have those courses invested, pay the large-scale lay rewards. So there’s tons of advantages SIP PRIs with regards to those kinds of services as well. A few questions: What is the advantage of SIP Trunking over a emcee of PBX system? Well, traditionally, if transactions have most businesses probably do have a private located model organizations, some of the advantages to the hosted are, especially with Voiplid, I don’t know what everybody else said there, but we can actually install our SIP Trunks with what’s called an ATA which is basically an IP to analogue converter.That’s right. And mostly mimic[ indiscernible 5:31] line for you or an analogue boundary. So now, you don’t have to[ inaudible 5:36] back in engineering if all you need is phone line services and you’re not looking at additional features, then that’s definitely the great way to make love whether you have an IP PBX and have the SIP Trunk licensing to get it on or you don’t, and still want to take advantage of the cost ingredients and maybe the DIDs and that kind of stuff. Right. We is absolutely implement that through the ATA Solution as well. Amazing! And what’s up with business continuity? Utterly. Yeah. Because that’s a big thing for business especially with numerous blackouts and overflows and other things that have been happening in North America. That’s right. And so a SIP Trunking allows us the flexibility to be able to take those figures at a caprice and redirect them wherever it is that you like. And so what that means is if you don’t have access to your equipment, I can redirect those called to speak to your cellphone, I can redirect them to an alternate facility, or a DR facility. Right. Or a business continuity facility and I can do it quickly and simply. Right. It’s simply couple key strokings and we’re done where as through analogue wires and PRIs, you can’t inevitably do that all the time. You have to have the call forwarding feature as one of the features on your analogue assistances, and if you don’t then they have to add that, that takes time. Yes. All you need to be up and running. I just got a tweet. They’re asking me, “Are you going to need extra bandwidth with SIP Trunking? ” That’s a great question. So the answer is yes. Each SIP Trunk does require one is uncompressed, though we do compress all of our data and articulation mixtures, uncompressed spokesperson conversationtypically takes about 64 kilobits so if you have 10 strings, you’re going to need 640 kilobits. And it’s generally not the download we worry about. It’s always the upload so if you’re only running your business on an ADSL today or if you’ve got a Data T-1, you may want to look at an alternate internet connection for that assistance. Of if you’ve got enough fiber in your premise, we can actually use your existing fiber and you bring your own bandwidth. Amazing. So why should an SMB even an enterprise use Voiplid Network for their SIP Trunking? Well businesses should absolutely choice Voiplid based on our diversity and our ability to be able to work with the multitude of different backend technologies to integrate our SIP Trunk solution with them whether they’d be on a SIP level or whether you’d have an oldest phone system like you really want to take advantage of savings, Voiplid has the know-how to make love. Amazing. Yeah. Alright, Joe. I think that pretty much asks all the questions I have for you. Awesome! Anything else you want to plug? No. Other than if you’re in world markets and looking for some definite advantages for cost savings and/ or business solutions, feel free to give us a bellow. You can attach those discussions on social by #TelecomTalk or you can follow us Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Pinterest, and time search Voiplid. You can find us there. You can also contact us toll free at 1-239-920-2883. And as ever, you can catch us online at www.voiplid.com. Awesome. Alright!
Thanks for helping, Joe.
Thank you ..