Its Saturday night, and a teenaged boyand girlfriend are out on a year. They are strolling through a shopping center, with plans to see a movie last-minute at the theater attached to the mall. As they walk through the plaza waiting fortheir show to start, the girl blots something. Its a photo booth. She excitedly grabs the boys pass and pullshim inside. They close the curtain, put a copper, andthe machine comes to life, snapping a series of photos. The two depart the booth but both seem to bea little off. Its getting close to showtime though, sothey start making their way to the movie theater. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the mall patrons, something is happening deep below the grind. The son and girlfriend departure the theater and walkarm in arm through the alley back toward the parking lot where the boy left his gondola. Its late now, the sunshine has long since set, and theyre all alone. But they dont hear the paces behindthem, or feel the pair of bodies that are following them getting closer and closer.They get to the car, its the only one leftin the parking lot, and the boy takes out his keys to open the car when he fumblesand puts them to the ground. As he deflects over to pick them up he finallysees who has been following them. Its them. A duo of doppelgangers coming straight towardsthem. They inspect accurately like the boy and girl exceptfor their faces, who the hell is horribly misrepresented with strange lumps and no looks or mouths. They gape as though they were a describe ofa face that was somehow smudged out.The boy speedily gets the keys and grasps thegirl, dragging her away from the characters who today contacting for the boy and daughter, grasping and clawing at their faces as they try to moan through their surface encompassed openings. He gets the car unlocked and both manage toget inside. As the beasts slam on the windows, theboy starts the engine and drives away, leaving the abominations behind. Hi! Im Dr. Bob, and this is SCP-7 15, also knownas … My Face That I May Be. SCP-7 15 is a Take Your Own Photo brandphoto booth, a product of the Sony Corporation realized in the 1970 s. This is a standard appearing photo booth, bearinga close similarity to the many thousands of others that were in operation around theworld at the time, with no anomalous visual characteristics at all. The only detail established this machine apartfrom its countless friend is a small metal tag which has been added to the back of themachine at some place, but a significant amount of wear has offset it impossible to read what, if something, was ever stamped on the tag.SCP-7 15 s basic activity is also not anomalousin appearance. It will simply initiate if an individual sitsinside and inserts the required coinage, at which point it will take a series of photos, just like a regular photo booth. The photos will likewise appear normal, thoughoften some will be heavily distorted and overshadow the subjects face in various ways. What truly specifies this photo booth apart, nonetheless, is what happens outside of the booth when the pictures are made. While the individuals who had their photostaken, classified as SCP-7 15 -B instances, are able to exit the booth with no obviouseffects, below the plaza, deep underground, something indeed panicking takes arrange. Underneath the mall is Site 81/715, an extradimensionalspace which is accessible through a mall upkeep work doorway located in sub basement three, a doorway that does not appear on any of the plazas structural ideas or in otherrecords. The site is a matter of a beings, cavernous office, which appears to have been hewn right out of the bordering limestone. In the middle of the room is its most distinguishingfeature, a large, deep quarry. The walls of the excavation are made of an unidentifiedsubstance, even though it is looms same in both appearing and composition to human fat tissue.These fleshy walls exude a strong, corrosivesubstance which constitutes scrutiny and journey of the excavation particularly dangerous. When SCP-7 15 is activated in the plaza above, a humanoid creature, classified as SCP-7 15 -A, will appear in this pit. The bodies of these creatures are similarin appearance to the individuals who had their picture taken inside of 715, but their facesare radically different. Each has severe facial disfigurements andabnormalities such as vast growths, deep gashes, and the absence of facial peculiarities. After appearing in the pit, these SCP-7 15 -Ainstances will attempt to scale the fleshy walls of the pit and leave Site 81/715. These instances are considered hostile, andFoundation security personnel are authorized to neutralize the characters by any means required. Further research into how the SCP-7 15 -A entitiesare formed and which is what the pit is are ongoing, and its not currently known howmany 715 -A instances exist down in the excavation. With the entities who were able to climb outof the cavity able to be relatively easily liquidated by private security force, SCP-7 15 was originallyclassified as Safe. It was contained at its point of origin withinthe mall in Ohio and Foundation personnel pose as mall employees would collect thephotos engraved by the machine. However following added uncoverings, this category involved converting. The Foundation began noticing inconsistencieswith SCP-7 15 -B entities, after a researcher experimented SCP-7 15 himself by sitting inside andhaving his photo taken.Soon after, he began acting in ways that wereconsidered strange, such as when he turned down a promotion to a pre-eminent berth withbetter compensate and perks for seemingly no reason, and where reference is skipped a obligatory area inspectionfor reality bending anomalies. After noticing these strange behaviours, aFoundation research head had an Anomalous Optical Enhancement device placed in the oddlyacting researchers bedroom, and learned a surprising truth about the SCP-7 15 A andB entities The Foundation had go around killing the wrongones.The device, which is able remove anomalous realitydistorting consequences from epitomes, showed that the researcher was actually one of the creaturesfrom the oppose, with the telltale facial aberrations. Following this shocking discovery, the researchhead applied the same device on the characters still inside the pit underneath the plaza. They found that when the abnormal visualeffects were removed from the distorted individuals who were trying to get out of the fleshy pitthat they were actually ordinary gazing humen. These SCP-7 15 -A entities were the human beingswho had entered the photo booth, had their draws made, and were somehow transportedto the pit. They had been trying to escape their prisonand tell the Foundation who they certainly were, but this only resulted in them being terminatedby the on site security force. In seek to fix this mistake, SCP-7 15 washastily reclassified as Keter, and SCP-7 15 was removed from the mall in order to be storedin a assure locker at Site 19. Research personnel were no longer able toaccess SCP-7 15 without special approval, and study of the interior was limited to whatcould be done via remote drone use exclusively. The Foundation began rounding up all knowninstances of SCP-7 15 -B who were now the ones subjected to immediate termination. Foundation staff did manage to interview one7 15 -B instance though, who had been previously believed to be a fellow Foundation researcher. It is unknown exactly what the researcherdoppelganger said in that interview, but it must have been extremely serious, as the endresult was another terminated change in protocol. All attempts to contain and neutralize instancesof SCP-7 15 -B would immediately cease, since if there were as numerous out in the world asthe doppelganger claimed, then ultimately it would better maintain normalcy and ensurethe secrecy of SCP-7 15 if they were allowed to go free. Sadly the same was not the case for the SCP-7 15 -Ainstances that still existed down in the quarry. The researcher doppelganger advised that itwould be unwise to remove them from the crater, and the current Foundation policy is thatdown in the pit is where they will remain.Following this interview, SCP-7 15 was re-classifiedonce again as Safe. The photo booth was also moved again, thistime to a maximum protection storage locker at Site-8 1, and Foundation personnel havebeen prohibited from interacting with SCP-7 15 -B instances at all. However there is one more piece of informationabout SCP-7 15, and it is only accessible to those with proper security clearance. Another Foundation operator was found to actuallybe an instance of SCP-7 15 -B, and held in custody for observation.While under surveillance, it was discoveredthat this instance, classified as SCP-7 15 -B7, was emitting low level radiation that wassomehow placed at Site 81/715 – the locale of the cavity. During an autopsy of the human, it wasfound that the radioactive emissions were actually increasing in output and frequency, and soon after, a capability outage and containment infringe occurred at the site where the autopsytook place. Following these events, the body of SCP-7 15 -B7disappeared, and video surveillance confirmed that various member states Foundation staff wereresponsible, all of whom had been involved in SCP-7 15 experiment. The staff members escaped with the body andleft no other prove behind, save for a single photo with the foreboding text My earsthat I may hear, my hearts that I may investigate, my mouth that I may speak Do not touch my face. No other information regarding SCP-7 15 hasbeen attain and many questions remain.Just what are instances of 715 -B and whatdo they require? Are they some kind of hivemind colony thatreproduces through the use of a inscrutable photo booth? What happens to those left behind in the oppose, and what the hell is they do should they ever get out? Investigations are ongoing. Now go and watch another entering from the filesof Dr. Bob, and make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you dont missa single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundations classifiedarchives ..